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What Is Customer Experience and How Can Your Company Benefit From It?


There are so many talks today about customer experience and how can companies get benefits from this activity. They are talking of higher revenues and retention, happier and motivated employees, recognition and staying ahead of the game as results of a better customer experience. There are many companies that you can see on business magazines that are aligning themselves to this model or efforts.


According to experts, there are five ways to achieve a superior customer experience that would lead to great business outcomes. Among these factors are knowing your best customers, reviewing the communications of your customers, listen to all of your customers, having and creating a happy and customer-oriented employees, and reflecting the values of your brand.


Whether you are a small and growing company, or a starting entrepreneur, or someone who works for a big company, you can do many things to improve the customer experience for your own clients.


Customer experience is not only a face to face or call center interactions. It is a lot more than that. It is the series of how you interact with your customers and exposure of a customer to your company that lead to the customer's perception about your company. Customer perception means how each of your customers feels about doing business and associating with your customer experience companies. It is the reality of their experience and not just mere words.


About the first key of achieving superior customer experience which is to know your best customers, it is a fact that 80% of your profit comes the 20% of your customers. Therefore, it is important that you get the details of this 20% like their growth with you, or why they are not dealing with you anymore, and what would be the implications if they leave you.


It is important that you look at your present customers and do your best evaluation to define these customers. See if you have customers who are repeat buyers of your same service or product. Find out if you have customers who are investing in your company more than the others. Also find out if you have regular buyers purchasing at a regular cycle but have not bought something new from you for some time, and ask why or what could be the reasons.


Note that you do not only create a superior user experience strategy among your very best customers. You should also know which of these customers are giving you more profits. This means you can invest more on these buyers rather than spending money in getting new buyers while letting go of these profitable buyers. Aside from the revenue, you should look at also your customer lifetime value rates and the retention rates before you can measure your success in this effort. Remember that a better customer experience will make your customers stay with you for a long time and they will tell you what is important if you will just ask them too.

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